New Childcare Contract for ATOS – WHY


I know from the number of press articles, I’m not the only one astonished that ATOS – the now infamous IT Company with more trading arms than an octopus and renowned for both its part in the disastrous Border Agency computer meltdown in 2012 and its failure to administer the equally beleaguered Work Capability Assessments (WCA) for the DWP, have now been given the contract for delivering the Coalitions Childcare Voucher scheme. What I don’t get is WHY?

Before anyone tells me about the links between ATOS, its parent company UNUM and the extensive range of links – I’ve seen the speculation; but what I don’t understand is, given the recent scathing reports from both the public accounts committee, and the Work and Pensions Select on ATOS; WHY has the Treasury backed NS&I decided that ATOS are a suitable company to deliver anything; unless the caption below is true!


I find…

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Quotas for food bank vouchers at job centres?

Ann McGauran

Is an unofficial quota system for food bank vouchers operating at job centres? One man who called into a food bank in this London borough recently said he was told by his job centre that they’d given out 15 vouchers already that week. Persuading the staff there that he was in need was hard work. He said he did get a voucher eventually, but his experience begs a question. How many people in genuine need of an emergency supply of food are now being refused a food voucher by job centres?

There’s already a substantial level of need in this borough – a fairly typical one for London, with its pockets of deprivation. Between April 1 2013 and the end of January this year, Trussell Trust food banks in the borough fed 3,225 people (1937 adults and 1288 children). There was a month on month increase in clients from the…

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Those vile people sitting in the jobcentre a few feet away doing absolutely nothing.

From the facebook page ‘The People vs the Government, DWP and Atos”

“I’ve just seen this outside Devizes Job Centre:
A man standing crying and and so distressed he wet himself. He was saying ” they won’t help me! They won’t let me have any money! They say I’ve used all my foodbank vouchers”.
He proceeded to collapse to the ground and curl up in a ball, his arms around his dog. Two passers by were supporting him. One went to buy him some food & the other had gone to get him a blanket. Several people averted their eyes and hurried past!
I couldn’t do any more than was already being done for him, though I would have liked to help. I cried my eyes out for him and cried in anger at the vile, despicable people who are sitting in the Job Centre a few feet away doing absolutely nothing!!!
I cannot believe what is happening in this country.
This system is totally horrendous, obnoxious and despicable!”

i cant even afford to put my heating on! and they say i’m a scrounger??

From the Facebook page The People Vs The Government, DWP and Atos

“sick to death of waiting for pip claim (disability benefit) to be sorted…….struggle week in, week out to eat, pay my bills, survive………..cant even remember when i last ate a decent meal………and although there are food banks out there, i feel too proud to go to them for help… long as my kids are fed, and clothed, i dont worry too much, but now the cold weather is settling in, i cant even afford to put my heating on! and they say i’m a scrounger?? no, just a very ill, very depressed, and very broke parent, who cant cope much longer on a slice of bread a day!”

 * (comment) “Same”
* (comment) “dito and not proud to be british anymore thanks to this fucking shit murdering goverment”
* (comment) “same hun this goverment is f**ked up xx keep smiling n keep laughing kids come first with every parent like mine do xx”
* (comment) “Same although my kids are grown up now and i worked and brought 3 sons up on my own with no help. Been ill for 2 years and cant get help even tho i paid my taxes and National Insurance for years its beyond madness.x”
* (comment) Go to the food banks. You can’t eat pride, and, in any case, by being to proud to go to a food bank, you are, I am afraid to say, buying in to the lie that it’s ‘wrong’ to need help. Don’t further damage your own health because of the propaganda of the enemy.
comments selected from some made to the original post on the facebook page The People Vs The Government, DWP and Atos, 14th September 2013