I’ve never known times so hard as I do now at my age

extracts from a Facebook conversation on the page “‎Bedroom Tax…think its unfair…join the fight here”. 20th Jan 2013

**its so cold in my house I can see my breath”

    JN – mine is so cold as well
    DI – Mine too thats why not paying no more bedroom tax need the 22 quid a week buts me extra gas and electicity on x
    JB – same here
    NP – mine too i’ve had to pop the heating on for half an hour so I can have my weekly shower
    JL – Mine too, I have icicles hanging from my nose lol
    CW – hahaha bless ya x .. I have white finger in 2 of my fingers on my left hand, so had to put gloves on
    CY – i have put 3 jumpers on i look like the michelin man i went to bed in my clothes
    SL – Its an absolute disgrace isnt it hate this country im thinking of becoming an immigrant move to somewhere warm now the borders are open due to eu … eat or freeze that is the question beans on toast or heating for an hour ??? Ermmmm decisions decisions warra joke “great” Britain
    CL – I found this, I hope it helps a bit, even though it is disgusting we have to resort to this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brHqBcZqNzE
    SM – Got mold growing in my bedroom,bathroom, its so cold ..x
    SA – Bloody hell, I feel lucky in a way to only pay £10 a week gas. Only had it on for half hour this morning, its a bit cold but dressing gown makes me warm enough. Will put it on later for after bath.
    DI – Got them fleece bed tops 7 quid in the sale there like a jumper but believe there very warm ideal when skimping on heating and this cold weather
    SL – I bought halogen can’t afford my heating very often my couple of my rooms are getting damp etc x x isn’t that jusu insulation etc xx
    VB – You can see your breath at my mum’s house. She wears loads of layers to keep warm and all was ok but now her asthma is playing up really badly, the docs can’t get it under control and looks like she’ll be sent to the specialist at the hospital. Her bungalow is full of damp thanks to the cold. This country is going down the toilet.
    NP – im in the same boat here my joints and crushed spine and neck kill like mad when i’m cold, i’m also very arthritic, the pain killer consumption goes through the roof, I get that cold and stiff I cant even move, i’ve never known times so hard as I do now at my age
    SA –  You can get 140 quid electric if you claim certain benefits. Your energy supplier does it. I put in for it but havn’t heard a thing
    CW –  my sciatica and carpel tunnel play up too when its cold … and DWP just dropped my money as been on ESA a year, god knows how i’ll go on next time I get paid
    NT – like you I have crippling sciatica due to ankolosing spondylitis and peripheral nerve damage and multi level prolapse, when im this cold its utter agony, its hard to describe the pain, the £135 is helpful but its soon eaten up
    LB – same here im freezing got hot water bottle and two jumpers and hat on
    JS – Mine too, CW .. I’m a seamstress and am currently designing, in my head, a hot water bottle strap on!!!
    DI – Shame i cant use me garden fire pit got plenty of wood but no hole in roof to let smoke out cant believe them proper open coal fires would be perfect as there’s only two of us as long as you got main room nice and warm that would do us
    CW – I said the very same thing to my son day before yesterday  … I said .. wouldn’t be so bad if we could bring the chiminea inside .. in fact if I lit that and sat outside I would probably be warmer than I am now !!
    MW – I sit in my coat and scarf most of the day always glad when its bedtime
    SL – How many watch tv upstairs from about five ish as its warmer ? X
    SC – Do check out the warm home scheme, it’s a great help. Though they never seem to send it till March when it’s starting to warm up. Doh
    KA – Yes that is correct, most of the energy companies operate the scheme here is the link – https://www.gov.uk/the-warm-home-discount-scheme
    EB  – We can’t get that as our bill is paid by the landlord. Wish they hadn’t stopped it for the gas company. Got it then.
    about an hour ago · Like
    DF – I know how that feels and so does my arthritis but must pay my Bedroom Tax

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