Thousands of HIV patients go hungry as benefit cuts hit

Thousands of people with HIV have been left struggling in poverty by the Government’s welfare reforms – with some unable to afford the basic food they need to fight their condition.


The situation is now so critical that in some cases doctors are having to prescribe food supplements to ensure that patients’ medication works, The Independent on Sunday has learned.

A national hardship fund for people with HIV/Aids, run by the Terrence Higgins Trust (THT), registered a 63 per cent increase last year in those needing emergency help because their benefits had been stopped.

HIV experts described the situation as “truly alarming”, saying it was “nothing short of a disgrace” that seriously ill patients in modern Britain were having their treatments compromised by hunger. HIV medication can be less effective if taken without food.

Changes to sickness benefits introduced by the coalition – alongside other welfare reforms such as the so-called bedroom tax – have left many HIV patients significantly worse off.

Read the rest of this article by Emily Duggan in the Independent on Sunday here:

One thought on “Thousands of HIV patients go hungry as benefit cuts hit

  1. Food supplements is not food and lacks a lot of nutrients needed in a balanced diet.

    Gandhi observed, People’s Politics are Their Daily Bread.

    As millions are starving due to losing any state support, then only an entirely new political class, who have never been in parliament before and not from the elite that they have always been, is needed.

    New heroes, so to speak, in the Dawn of a New Age.

    No current political class will offer any chance of life to millions threatened by welfare reform, because all current parties believe in Austerity.

    Even the recently relaunched communists have no interest in pensioners and women aged 60, who include within them the ranks of those losing benefit, working poor, disabled and chronic sick, just as everyone else.

    The only way to get food to eat for all, is an entirely new political party in government in 2015, that will feed every single person in the nation, bar none, every day, without fail.

    Only you can bring that about.

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    Your life might depend upon it. Mine does just as it does yours. Why do you think I bothered to write up a political party. If not suffering welfare reform, pension reform, disability, chronic sick, no benefits, women 60 no state pension, whilst the exact same money as state pension is going as a pay rise for millionaire politicians in 2015 general election year.

    The Swans New Party Org UK – the only party to trust

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