FINED by a Judge for failing to turn up for UNPAID WORK

Diary of an SAH Stroke Survivor

This morning my Son pointed out something to me which he could not believe in the Court Round Up in the local Portsmouth News paper.

A young man of no fixed abode and thus effectively homeless which itself brings issues was


Yes that is right he was fined £250 plus £50 Court costs for failing to turn up for unpaid work.


Now this could be due to say failing to turn up to a previous order of say a Community Service Order but the article does not say that it clearly says UNPAID WORK.

The very thought you could be fined for failing to turn up for work and be FINED should send shivers down your spine and probe many to further research as I will but we should also take into accunt this man may very well already be under…

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One thought on “FINED by a Judge for failing to turn up for UNPAID WORK

  1. I AGREE VEHMENTLY, This is PREPOSTEROUS and OUTRAGEOUS that an innocent person is treated. This young man should NOT have been FINED for anything. People go to work to GET PAID and to earn A LIVING. SLAVE LABOUR is a thing of the DARK AGES. This outlandish and cruel ans unusual punishment of people should NOT be permitted to prevail in modern day 21st century Britain. The EVIL Nazi Warlord Cameron should be TOPPLED from Power IMMEDIATELY.

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